
Server updates
Tournaments: Now, each player can participate in up to 30 battles per day. Class Adjustments: The Soultaker and SoulHound classes have had their debuff proficiency improved to...
26 May, 2024
Server updates
The item "Loyalt of Amerika - Certificate" has been added to the voting reward Lucky Box, with a 50% chance of being obtained.
30 April, 2024
Server updates
Starting tomorrow, the "Skin of Defense" skill from Visual Quest will also be effective for subclasses. Whenever you add a new subclass or switch your base class to your...
27 April, 2024
Server updates
The tournaments have been updated. Previously, fights were constantly organized; now, groups of at least six players will be formed. This means that whenever it is possible to orga...
18 April, 2024
Server updates
The new Anti-Afk system has been implemented to enhance the experience during events. If a player remains inactive (afk) during an event, they will be subjected to a penalty, being...
11 April, 2024
Server updates
The abilities Heroic Grandeur and Heroic Dread have had their success rates updated! As heroic abilities with long cooldown times, their chances are now adjusted to match...
09 April, 2024
Server updates
Now is possible to view the targets debuff: just go to the interface settings and activate the "Target Debuffs" option. The display of the talisman slot bar has been f...
03 April, 2024