
Server updates
We conducted maintenance on the server to improve its performance. Additionally, the anticheat system was updated to the latest version. These changes are intended to provide a mor...
23 September, 2023
Server updates
During Olympiad battles, the simultaneous use of the Flame Icon and Angelic Icon will no longer be permitted, as this combination causes excessively high critical damage. Now, one...
10 September, 2023
Server updates
The button to report inactive (AFK) players within events is now available. Use it to flag players who are not actively participating.
30 August, 2023
New website
To usher in a new era of renewal for L2Amerika, we have launched our new website today. This revamped platform will allow for the addition of more features and tools for all player...
25 August, 2023
Server updates
- Fixes were made to the "training dummy" NPC due to critical errors in skill tests. - Improvements and fixes to the tournament observation mode: previously, players w...
23 August, 2023
Patch updated
The automatic augmentation system has been updated, and now all options are working correctly.
24 July, 2023
Server updates
An update has been implemented on the server, and now there's a chance for the 'fear' effect to be cancelled when the player under this effect takes damage. This system...
17 July, 2023